Tag Archives: life

A Weekend Off

Having a weekend off is very rare for me.
Working in retail means I work most if not all weekends.
Although for the first weekend of 2013 I am not working.
On the whole I don’t mind working weekends but sometimes it’s just nice to have them to yourself.

I have nothing against the people who regularly have weekends off. I very rarely get to say TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday). Although this weekend I can join them.

Today I was originally meant to meet a friend this morning but she is unwell, which meant a lie in for me, another novelty.
I got to spend some time with my gorgeous smiley niece Pippa.
Now I am on route to meet my friend Sarah to watch my beloved Tottenham Hotspur take on Coventry City at White Hart Lane in the FA Cup.
I haven’t been to a game in a while so I am super excited. The prospect of seeing Scott Parker back in action also excites me.


Have a great weekend, whatever you’re doing.

Quote Me

Treat others the way you wish to be treated?

A very simple yet effective quote.
There are many quotes that make me smile, but this quote is positive in every sense.
Sometimes I hate what goes on in this world but I alone cannot change that.
Treating others how you want to be treated is just enforcing harmony and equality.
In all aspects of life we will meet people we dislike or those who frustrate us but we have to be the bigger person.

I’m not a religious person but I believe in treating others the way I wish to be treated. Not only is that good manners I would like to think it is also good karma.

Another quote that makes me think is this.

Everyone you meet has something to teach you.

Whether you understand the lesson at the time is irrelevant. It is oh so true we live and learn.

Happy New Year all I hope 2013 is treating you well.

A different take on New Years resolutions…

As 2012 draws to a close I would like to thank every single one of you for visiting my blog.
The likes, comments and follows really are appreciated.
Even the criticism has made me realise what I want from my blog, I now feel like I have turned a corner.

Thank you for the encouragement and also for the friendship, I have discovered some fantastic bloggers along the way.
I look forward to reading more in 2013.

Before I move onto 2013 I would like to document a few things that I am grateful for from this year.

Being given the opportunity to be a roving reporter in Barcelona for the O2 brand adverts.

Meeting the lovely Claudia Carroll- an author I admire. I feel like we have also become firm friends thanks to Twitter.

Holidaying in Salou with the girls- Call Me Maybe and One Direction made part of our holiday soundtrack, also cheap champagne.

Discovering California and The West Coast.

Realising who my true friends are.

Attending two Tom Cruise premieres Rock Of Ages and Jack Reacher, meeting the man himself and watching both films.

Meeting another author I love Nicholas Sparks. A man who writes the romance I long for.

My sister giving birth to my beautiful niece Pippa.
The only downside was she had her whilst I was on holiday in California.

My sister in law giving birth to my nephew Jace.

Sheryl posted an inspiring list of 7 Things for 2013 and it made me think about what I want from the coming year. She got the idea from ‘Day Zero Project’ I must admit this website has made me think and when I posted my 50 questions I was inspired by said site.


So here are my alternative New years resolutions…

1. Learn how to…Pass a driving test- This is my first focus of 2013 I feel like I have been learning forever. I always crumble during the practical examination.

2. Start…To love myself.

3. Stop…Over-thinking- I am getting better but I still have a long way to go.

4. Take a Vacation to…Ireland I haven’t been for two years.

5. Find…My confidence.

6. Try…To attend the gym more regularly. Swimming, Spinning and Zumba.

7. Be more…Productive- I have changes to make in my life and I hope 2013 brings that.

All that is left for me to say is Happy New Year. Whatever you’re doing stay safe.

What will you wish for come midnight?

I Love Inspirational Quotes

I thought I would post something short and sweet before I head to bed.

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

This is the sort of quote that makes me fight and carry on. Like most people some days are better than others. I had a really good day today and strangely whilst working.

There is one more day of 2012 people, whatever you do make it count.

A heartfelt guest post from the lovely Sheryl

I have been toying with the idea of guest posting for a while, I could never decide on what to write for anyone else. So with this in mind I asked Sheryl my very good friend and blogger to write a post for me.

So I shall now hand over to Sheryl…

When Hayley asked me to be a guest on her blog, initially I had no idea what I was going to write about. But seeing as she has been talking about change and finding herself, I thought I would follow on with quite a personal story about my ongoing battle of the fore-mentioned topic.
I was quite a placid and bubbly teenager, I didn’t get into much trouble and was caring and giving. I entered into my first serious relationship at 19 with many ups and downs. It was perfect at first which led to me getting engaged at 21. As the relationship progressed I began to change and grow up whereas my partner didn’t. I wanted to experience more from life and I think this change left my fiancé feeling quite insecure.

I was becoming my own person and wanted to be more independent. I took the decision to move in with my fiancé, a decision which I soon regretted. This was made evident when the emotional abuse started. I wasn’t aloud out unless it was with him and when he was going out with his friends I wasn’t invited. He’d say nasty things which used to eat into my mind. There’d be many a time when I’d just be sitting home alone in tears waiting for his return and the rows that followed. I felt trapped and suffocated and I became depressed and lost weight. When the 6 month lease was up, I was happy to move out and back with my parents again but I stayed in the relationship for another year (5 and a half years in total) hoping things would change. They didn’t so we went our separate ways.

Unfortunately I moved swiftly onto another relationship which has left me mentally scarred for life. I honestly had no idea I would find anyone worse and it was clear from the beginning but I just chose to ignore it. Sometimes I think my problem is that I care too much, trying too hard to find the good in people. After less than a year we moved in together while I remained damaged from the last relationship. I was further away from home this time and had no friends nearby so I decided to go out and find myself some new ones. That’s when the trouble started.

I was being accused of seeing other men behind his back and he became aggressive towards me, sometimes through the paranoia bought on by his regular weed smoking. The man was nuts and that was putting it mildly. Time after time I’d believe his sob stories and the lies about how he would change. But things didn’t get any better and things didn’t change, instead I received bruise after bruise. The time he smashed my head against the bedroom wall, the time he gave me a black eye and shut my leg in the door, the time he kicked the ironing board onto my foot and I couldn’t walk properly for a week still returns to haunt me now.

During this time I became messed up, I became someone I didn’t like. I was aggressive and started to hit back and I turned to drink and got into dangerous situations because of it. This wasn’t me at all and I hated the fact that someone could change me like that. So one evening, 3 and a half years into the relationship (I don’t know how I stayed so long) while he was at work, I packed as much as I could into my car and drove back to my parents where I felt safe. I didn’t feel bad about leaving the way I did as I was more scarred of what he would do if I had left while he was still indoors.

Six years on and I remain single. I can’t bare the thought of getting close to anyone else and have trust issues. I began to love myself again and be the caring person I used to be. I surround myself with friends that I devote my spare time to but I still struggle to let go of the past. But until I learn to do that I won’t be able to find anyone to love again. Change can be a long difficult process but I intend to stick with it.

I would like to thank Sheryl for guesting on my blog you can read more from Sheryl at the link below http://sherylsbloggyblog.wordpress.com/ if you would like to guest post for me feel free to leave me a comment or send me an email HayleyThorpe10@yahoo.co.uk

New Year, New Me

It’s so easy to become lazy and complacent in life but I want 2013 to be different.
I recently read an inspiring book that really made me think. In said book the heroine was embarking on the last year of her 20s. I will be doing just that as I turn 29 on the 23rd February, I want this year to count just like Romily did.

I have also realised that I need to learn to love myself more.

How do you even go about that? One day at a time….

My best friend says I put myself down too much when I think I’m being realistic.

I seem to get inspiration in the most bizarre of places, whilst watching Being Erica this quote was mentioned.

If you don’t take a risk you’re just standing still you’re not really living.

It made me think.
When was the last time I took a risk?
The sad thing is I can’t be sure, which in truth means it was a while ago.

In 2013 I will do more for me.

There are a few other things I would like to do and change but all in good time.
I know my life needs to change and acceptance is the start of that battle.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas I was spoilt rotten.
I continue to eat naughtily but come January I will be getting back to a routine that cuts down on the good stuff hehe and back to the exercise. I do miss my Zumba and Spin classes, they kill me but I do enjoy them.

One final quote for today…

When your mind says give up, hope whispers one more try.

Daily Prompt: Study Abroad

If you were asked to spend a year living in a different location, where would you choose and why?

When this email pinged through on my iPhone I just had to say something.
In a way I was inspired to write, which to be frank is the point of the Daily Prompts.

I have two answers to this question and this is the first.
I would chose Ireland I have loved everything about the Emerald Isle since falling in love with Boyzone as a child. Over the years I have frequently visited Ireland well Dublin more so than anywhere else.

I can safely say I love returning the people are great and I always feel happy when I’m there.
I sadly haven’t been in a while.
I think it’s been two years since I was in Dublin and I am now contemplating going over either just before or just after my 29th birthday.

Yes, I shall be 29 on the 23rd February and I am ready to grab the last year of my 20s by the scruff of the neck and enjoy it. I would love to stay there for a longer period of time, I think the laid-back locals would help me chill-out more.

My second answer would be to choose somewhere somewhat warmer like Australia. I was lucky enough to spend two weeks in Sydney in 2008 and I would love to visit Australia again for a much longer trip, I would also love to visit Melbourne.

Feeling Good…

It’s funny how a few small words or a smile can change your mood.
That is how I am feeling today- oh so much brighter.
Recently, I’ve done a lot of over thinking and over analysing certain situations.
What I’ve learnt is that more often than not you are wrong and all over thinking does is upset YOU.
I’m pretty sure I was wrong and now I am feeling like a huge weight has been lifted from my mind.

As I’m feeling much more positive and optimistic today.
I thought I would share some quotes that made me smile and feel happy with you guys.
I hope they inspire you.

Don’t let people judge you. You are who you are, and if you work hard, you’ll create an even better you.

There is one thing in this world that has the ability to change our whole life in an instant… IT’S ACTION.

I truly love this final quote it makes me smile and see the best in life.

Laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears & keep reminding ourselves that everything happens for a reason.

One of my colleagues Sophie passed her driving test this week.
This has made me think about my struggles with said test.
Today I downloaded a theory test app and after Christmas I am determined to undertaken my theory and practical tests for the final time.
I feel like I’ve been learning to drive for years, now I’m feeling more positive I am looking to the future with an open mind.


I keep finding inspiring quotes…I should really start writing in my poor journal again, but for now I will share with you guys.

Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.

I think this quote is rather inspiring…it reminds me when I didn’t quite get the A Levels I wanted. I was put onto a diploma course and if I passed the first two years, I could do the final year which would give me my degree.
What also spurned me on was the fact that in the final year we got to go on a placement as part of the course. I was desperate for this chance, I wanted to learn and be inspired and I was.

My placement was with The Sunday People on the sports department working alongside Lee Clayton. I had read lots of Lee’s work whilst he was at The Daily Star, I’d even written to him about an article.
What an experience that was and still to this day that was one of those moments in life.

Everything happens for a reason.

I don’t always believe or agree with this statement but sometimes it’s true.

I Wish I Were…Weekly Writing Challenge

I wish I were a more positive person. Like most people I have good and bad days but I need to learn to appreciate the good days more.

I have a wonderful family

The best of friends

Good health

A steady job

I may not be doing my ideal job but I am more fortunate than some people. I am currently rethinking a few things and I am contemplating a slightly new direction. Well I am looking into a few other avenues with potential, this is something that should influence more positive thoughts rather than negative.

I hate to sound greedy but I also wish I had a photographic memory.
I have always been a grafter at school and within a working environment. I’m not stupid but I do have to work hard to get where I want in life. If my memory was photographic my life may have been different.

My aim from now on is to look at life with an open and positive mind.
I realise how much negativity gets me down and only I can banish those thoughts. It will take time but slowly and surely I can do this.
Only I can change my future, with a positive outlook I can be the woman I want to be.

You can also participate in the weekly writing challenge by following the link below http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/weekly-writing-challenge-i-wish-i-were/

The Dimension Between Worlds

Come and explore a world of imagination


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Education's Voice

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Australian Author


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Linda's Book Bag

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Natalie Breuer

Natalie. Writer. Photographer. Etc.

I didn't have my glasses on....

A trip through life with fingers crossed and eternal optimism.

Dancing in the rain!

I hope you dance....

Staying Tuesday

"This is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

The Frank Diary of Anna

What to do with all these ideas, memories, and opinions that compete for prescence in my conscience?

My Endless Rants & Ramblings

Just a place where I can share myself and be myself.

Born to Be

There is nothing greater outside of us than our one true love, BEING.

You've Been Hooked!

Observations from the trenches....

Forever 21

A broken heart is open to receive...