Category Archives: Positive Thinking

An Awesome Feeling…

On Saturday 14th December 2013 I got up early on my day off and headed to Bromley Intu centre to Christmas wrap and raise awareness on Make A Wish Foundation.

It was a lovely morning, the morning crew consisted of me, Amanda, Michael and Claire. Plus the awesome Emma from Make A Wish. It really was good fun getting festive, wrapping presents and raising awareness. Very early on in the morning we met a lovely woman who looked like she’d seen a ghost. Her son had benefited from Make A Wish Foundation and she was eager to give back. Her story was both beautiful and heart-breaking. Emma was awesome with her. Later on, we met others who had benefited from the charity and a lady who had helped grant a wish.

A truly enlightening day that I thoroughly enjoyed. I hope to do more for Make A Wish Foundation next year. Today I found out we raised an awesome £550. I am still hoping some kind friends, family, colleagues and followers will add to my personal page

Make A Wish Make A Change…..

So on Saturday 14th December 2014 I shall be giving up some of my time to wrap presents in a local shopping centre for Make A Wish Foundation. I decided that I want to raise some extra money for this amazing charity. So I have set up a Just Giving page
so my friends, family, colleagues and followers can help me support the charity. I would love to wrap all of your presents for you but I just won’t see all of you, seeing as we all live in different places.

I am sorry for my silence again…I have been a busy bee but I hope to check in with you all whenever I can. Thanks again to all the wonderful and supportive friends I have made just on WordPress. It’s been a testing time but I won’t be beaten by negativity and pure cruelness. I really do appreciate whatever you can spare I have set myself a target of £100 without whatever I get on the day and I already have £15.00.

Anyway I shall love you and leave you with a quote that I believe we should all be saying to ourselves.

Start every day with a new hope, leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.

Inspiration Comes When You Least Expect It

I have been wanting to post all day. But I did not know what to say. Today has been one of those days that just drags, I guess because I’m off to the Emerald Isle tomorrow. Although London Transport sure did ruin my evening tonight, what a nightmare. Trains cancelled, buses packed and next to no info.

Anyway, I didn’t know what to say and wanted to try and have some relevance and meaning to my blog entry and then I found this…..

Instead of putting people down all of your life, inspire someone, change someone’s life for the better, make someone smile.

Everyone Needs A Little Boost.

Hey Guys,

I feel awful for neglecting you all, the sad thing is I keep meaning to post. Although I have been a tad busy in lots of different ways. This week I promise my Think About It Thursday will be finished and published.

In the meantime a good friend posted this quote on Twitter and I believe it’s something we all need to tell ourselves once in a while….

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Just a little inspiration….

Hello I am so sorry it’s been so long. I won’t bore you with reasons. I will document part of my trip to France at some point. I think I need a good 48 hour day lol.

I just wanted to share this quote with you all.

I am trying to embrace positivity again. Had a few testing times but I know I can get back. I would like to also take a moment to thank the truly amazing Matt. Not only is he an awesome blogger but a true friend…check out the Kingdom


It’s Thursday so I should finish and add on today’s Think About It Thursday before the day is out….

Inspirational Monday #4

When life gives you every reason to be negative,
think of one good reason to be positive.

Oh how true this statement is.
Although some days finding that positive sure is hard.
I sometimes think we’re looking in the wrong place completely, whereas other days it’s there like a beacon.

Have a fantastic Monday…..:) I guess I should get up.

Thank You!

I just wanted to take the time to say Thank You to each and every person that has liked,followed or commented on my blog.
It’s strange how things change. A short while ago I was ready to pull the plug on this blog. Thanks to pure nastiness. Yesterday I overtook my current record for follows in a day. This made me smile and made me realise there are some lovely people out there who seem to like what I have to say.

So thank you to every single one of you who have made me realise that blogging can still be fun. I have made some awesome friends and I have found some fantastic blogs along the way.

I feel that Inspirational Monday’s have not only made me feel better and more positive. They seem to be getting a lot of views which is nice. If you’d like to take part feel free to comment on my page with your link. I am also still happy to take on Guest Posts.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time 🙂

Inspirational Monday #3

Happy Monday!

Sorry for the semi silence. There has been lots going on in my life. I should have posted a Think About It Thursday writing prompt last week, but preparations for my nieces first birthday took over.

On Thursday I was lucky enough to attend one of Mcfly’s 10 year anniversary concerts at The Royal Albert Hall. They are extremely impressive live and Tom Fletcher gets even more creative as the years go on.

I promise there will be a Think About It Thursday this week. Pippa had a wonderful day, I’m not going to lie I enjoyed playing about with her in soft play. Although bouncy castles are even more tiring when you’re also bouncing a one-year-old.

When I found this quote from a Twitter quotes page I knew that it had to feature on Inspirational Monday.

Everyday is a new day. Another chance. Another opportunity to get things right. To try again. Don’t give up

I don’t know about you but this is the exact quote I need to keep motivated.

Happy Inspirational Monday

It’s a quote that is easy to say but not always easy to listen too and to take action from. I want Monday’s to be a day we all (myself included) learn to act on.

I’ve had a semi productive day now I am embracing The Vampire Diaries series Four.

Macmillan Charity Breakfast

On Tuesday 10th September 2013 I arrived at work two hours early. So that I could join a few of my colleagues at a charity breakfast for Macmillan.


Chiquitos at The O2 were the hosts for the charity breakfast. A few of the Chiquitos team were going round each store the Friday before letting us know about the breakfast event.
I sat there and thought that’s an awesome idea. So I spoke to all of my colleagues that were in that day, to arrange for a few of us to take part.

The idea behind the breakfast was that you choose what you like from the menu which included either unlimited tea or coffee.
Once you had finished instead of paying Chiqutios you would donate what you thought your breakfast was worth. From 9-12 on Tuesday every breakfast payment was donated to Macmillan Cancer Support. I was thinking if a few members of each bar, restaurant or store nearby gave a fiver each that’s a heck of a lot of money going to such a worthy cause.

Here is my breakfast, I have to say the hash browns were out of this world amazing.


Chiquitos raised £235.33 for Macmillan. It could have been better but it also could have been worse. They will also be hosting a coffee morning on Friday 27th September 2013. Dig deep and pop in and help Chiquitos raise money for a great cause.

Guest Post: Inspirational Monday #2

It’s funny just after I had written and created #InspirationalMondays I was already thinking of what I could use next.

I am pleased to pass over my Inspirational Monday to one of my newest blogger friends…to Swati Jain. Check out her blog full of some cracking inspiration and positive vibes here

So over to Swati. Thank you so much for this uplifting post.

Love Life and it will love you back! 🙂
Life takes a way a lot from us,
But it indeed gives us a lot more in return..
We often fail to realize it today,
And overlook that we get so much to learn..!

Eventually when we have happy days again,
we do realize, that after all life isn’t that bad..
And the day we do, we laugh at our own foolishness,
And thinking about it, we again become sad..

Of ‘course life is not easy,
But who, ever, said it would be..?
Getting through the tough times bravely,
And smiling throughout is the real key..! 🙂

Learn to see the brighter side of it today..
Live it, Love it..and more so Value it..
Stay strong during those troublesome times,
And you will soon realize that Life is WORTH IT 🙂

Be thankful for all those :
NIGHTS that turned into MORNINGS..
FRIENDS who turned into FAMILY..
DREAMS that turned into REALITY..
LIKES that turned into LOVE..

Each day I am thankful for NIGHTS
that turned into MORNINGS, friends
that turned into FAMILY, dreams that
turned into REALITY, and likes that
turned into LOVE.

Past – is gone,
Future- you cannot predict..
Today – It is God’s gift..and that’s why its called PRESENT.. 🙂

Live it..Love it..and Life will love you back even more 🙂
Lets begin the week with this positivity and life will seem to be easier and brighter 🙂
Keep smiling and keep shining 🙂 🙂

Simplyswatij 🙂 🙂

Happy Monday… If like Swati you would like to share some inspiration on a Monday feel free to get in touch. I am also looking for Guest Posts during the first week of October, whilst I am away being a tourist for my besties birthday. I have three places filled already but please do get in touch.

The Dimension Between Worlds

Come and explore a world of imagination


My passion in life is gardening and specifically growing flowers from seed

Isabel Ashdown

'Ingenious' - The Sunday Times ... 'Thoroughly compelling' - Mail on Sunday ... 'Addictive' - The Sun

fabricating fiction

Louise Jensen - Writer -

Education's Voice

Mindfulness in the Classroom

Dianne Gray author

Australian Author


There’s no such thing as too many books.

Linda's Book Bag

Loving books and reading

Natalie Breuer

Natalie. Writer. Photographer. Etc.

I didn't have my glasses on....

A trip through life with fingers crossed and eternal optimism.

Dancing in the rain!

I hope you dance....

Staying Tuesday

"This is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

The Frank Diary of Anna

What to do with all these ideas, memories, and opinions that compete for prescence in my conscience?

My Endless Rants & Ramblings

Just a place where I can share myself and be myself.

Born to Be

There is nothing greater outside of us than our one true love, BEING.

You've Been Hooked!

Observations from the trenches....

Forever 21

A broken heart is open to receive...